About Me
I’ve always been a reader. Growing up as an only child, I found that Frances, Sylvester and the Lorax were great company. My fate as a lifelong book-lover was sealed in the fourth grade when I read THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH. I couldn’t wait to write my book report and share all of the wonders of Milo’s absurd adventures. Reading is comfort and magic – always there when I need it!
I’ve also always been a writer, in one form or another. I’m a big movie buff and tried my hand at screenwriting for a while. Though writing for children was never something I explored, I’d always had a deep love of children’s books and added to my collection well into adulthood. When my two beautiful children came along, I was immersed in their stories and my writing focus shifted to where it was always meant to be – picture books. I’ve been on my picture book writing journey for the past several years, through all of the highs and lows that this industry can dish up. It’s not for the faint of heart, but I believe it will all be worth it when I hold my own book in my hands one day.
I live in Portsmouth, NH – a beautiful seaside town just north of Boston. I share my home with my two kind, funny and smart children (both book lovers – phew!), my husband and our rescue pup, Milo (of course!)
I’m proud to be represented by Joyce Sweeney at The Seymour Agency.

Fun Facts
My favorite picture book character is Andrea Zuill’s Sweety.
I love musical theater.
I cannot fold a fitted sheet (and I’m okay with that.)
My favorite ice cream is peppermint stick.
My favorite movie is The Breakfast Club.
I’ve been to 44 of the 50 states.
I’m a tarot enthusiast.
I had a cat named “Love” who terrorized me as a child.
I own and maintain a Little Free Library outside my house.
Green is my favorite color.
I took a screenwriting seminar with famed story consultant Robert McKee.
My Big 3: Virgo Sun/Cancer Moon/Sagittarius Rising

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